Friday, January 29, 2016

Is our food safe?

     Randy and I went to Dubois this morning to send Trevor his snowboard and gear because he is going on a weekend to Big Bear, CA, with his girlfriend and her family next month. Of course, all the gear for both of them is here. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to ship a snowboard across the country!
     We first went to Staples and they didn't have a box big enough for Trevor's board. His board is my size. The other board is Arielle's and she decided to give it to Trevor's girlfriend because she can't use it. They used them when she was here for a visit last year. That board fit in a TV box, but we need to send both. I have the boots, goggles, gloves and snowsuits all packed in a separate box that weighs 20 pounds. It's ready to go. They suggested we go to the main UPS center. Of course, it isn't open all the time and we had three hours to kill.
     We decided to go to Pizza Hut for their buffet. It was a half hour wait for the buffet, but that's no problem. We could have something to drink and have a few minutes to talk. It seems like we're never alone anymore. I go to the restroom and when I get back, I go to take a drink and there are black specs floating in his Mt. Dew and in my water. Yuck! I take the glasses and request clean ones. I'm standing there waiting and the next Mt. Dew is still gross and the waitress just returned my glass without even changing it. Hello? She calls her manager and while I'm standing there waiting for clean drinks and I hear her asking if anyone ever cleaned the ice holder and she starts to take it and throw away all the ice and a new bucket is brought up. By then, I was feeling more and more uncomfortable and concerned about the sanity of the food. With my health issues, I don't dare get ill from unclean food. Randy agreed and immediately left. Me being me, I start to Tweet about the incident and by the time I was to Facebook to talk about it, I get a Tweet back from Pizza Hut corporate headquarters asking for more details. Of course, I told the entire thing. I only wish I had taken photos! That mistake will never happen again.
     We went to another pizza place called Buck's Pizza. I had Chicken Alfredo and Randy had a Stromboli. The food was incredible! We have a new favorite restaurant!!
     We still had an hour to go, so we ran to Lowes to get insulation and ask for a box large enough to send the board. No boxes were available. Then we ran to WalMart. Going there, you can spend hours just watching the people and how they dress. :)
     It's finally time to go to UPS and they have nothing big enough to mail a snowboard. All they do is ship things and they can't even put two golf cart boxes together and make a box? We're so upset now. Randy will make a box and I'll send it to him on Tuesday. Even sending it by ground mail, he'll have it in plenty of time for the trip.
     It's been a real eye-opening day in so many ways. I'll always complain about food we're served if it isn't right. How many people are killed or sickened every year at restaurants because people keep it to themselves? I don't expect anything for telling my story, but hoping that by making them clean out their ice holder kept one person from getting sick means a lot. I'm nothing special, I hope that everyone who reads this will start to do the same. Our cellphones all have cameras, take photos of your food and drinks, especially if it's questionable and post a Tweet or Yelp or any of the sites that allows users to rate and talk. It's important.

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